10+ End Stage Metastatic Breast Cancer Symptoms Background. More often than not metastatic breast cancer spreads to the lungs of the woman. Metastatic breast cancer is an ongoing struggle.
Prolong life for as much as possible. One of the main screening tests is. Some breast cancers cause no obvious symptoms at all—which is why regular mammography screening is so important.
Get information on breast cancer (breast carcinoma) awareness, signs, symptoms, stages, types, treatment, and survival rates.
Like other cancers, pathophysiology of breast cancer progresses through 4 stages. Put simply, the stage describes how widespread or advanced the cancer is in the breast tissue and possibly other parts of your body. Metastatic breast cancer occurs when cancer that started in the breast spreads to another part of the body. Learn how cancer spreads, possible symptoms it is treated as stage iv breast cancer, not as lung cancer.