Get What Are The Chances Of Breast Cancer Recurrence
Images. Learn the causes, symptoms, risks, treatments, and more. Explains how breast cancer can recur at any time, includes how to know there is recurrence, factors, prognosis, and treatment.
Breast cancer can come back as a local recurrence (in the treated breast or near the mastectomy scar), regional recurrence (in the lymph nodes or collar bone area on the affected side). Tnbc has a high recurrence rate, which is greatest within the first 3 years. It's also sometimes called relapse.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women of reproductive age.
Although we know some of these risk factors, we don't know the cause of breast. The risk of breast cancer returning continues long after the initial treatment has been completed. That's why we partnered with lillie d. If you are in otherwise good health, you might want to think about taking part in a clinical trial testing a newer treatment.